Own Your Step - Family Business Leadership Development and Culture Advisory

Self-awareness is key in the growth process

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Personal growth is amongst the least exciting aspects of entrepreneurship for two reasons. First, it’s hard work – which may not yield returns in the short term. Second, it requires that you know yourself by digging deep into your core; something people generally don’t enjoy.

How well do you know yourself? In order to grow, you need to know and understand who you are and the implications of your journey so far. Self awareness forms the foundation on which to build a better you. Good knowledge of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) will help reveal a clear picture. And yes, the SWOT analysis does apply to the entrepreneur’s person.

Know your strengths

These are areas where you easily excel. In business terms, they are assets or your ‘cash cow’. It’s the gifts and abilities with which you effortlessly transact in life. You may be an awesome writer, surgeon, lawyer, singer or have a great personality – whatever you’re good at falls in this category.

Our strengths show us how much value we have to offer and provides the energy needed to keep growing. These ‘super-powers’ make us feel good and help to balance out our faults.

Know your weaknesses

I’m convinced that our weaknesses are as important as our strengths. Motivational speakers, inspirational books and positivity theorists encourage us to focus mainly on our strengths. I don’t completely agree.

I urge entrepreneurs to give their weaknesses as much attention as strengths because in the subjective world of business, if not well managed, weaknesses cause more trouble. Weaknesses are our liabilities, undeveloped areas and aspects of least strength in character, competence, and so on. Folks are generally not proud of these. But know and try to understand how your weaknesses work so that you’re able to manage them.

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