Own Your Step - Family Business Leadership Development and Culture Advisory

Hello, I'm

I'm on a mission to inspire family businesses to develop leaders, build teams and grow vibrant, engaging workplace cultures where purpose, passion and profits align effortlessly.

A bit about us…

Helping NextGen Leaders blossom into the Leaders they want, and are meant to be.

I spent most of my career searching for the perfect fitting job with a company that would value my uniqueness and take full advantage of what I had to offer. What I learned is that most companies continue to apply outdated approaches to employee engagement and lack the capability to flex their approach to fit their human capital. I am on a mission to change that.

Through my studies and experience, I've learned that there is no such thing as the "perfect approach" and that the secret lies in constantly adjusting to find the fit that matches your current circumstance. I love working with family owned businesses because they understand the value of individual contributions and have the agility necessary to adjust to changing times. Through Own Your Step Consulting, I work to inspire businesses to develop leaders, build teams and grow vibrant, engaging workplace cultures where purpose, passion and profits align effortlessly.

Certifications and Partnerships

Good Karma

As a sign of appreciation and gratitude for our privileged position in this world, every year Own Your Step chooses to donate time and/or money to two charitable initiatives. Our Good Karma efforts for this year are to donate 2% of all our earnings to Surfers Against Sewage and donate our time to Project5, providing wellbeing support for health and care workers.

Surfers Against Sewage

A community dedicated to the protection of oceans, waves, beaches and wildlife. We fight long and hard to protect what we love and won’t stop until it’s completely clean, safe and protected for everyone, forever.


Project5 is a front door to early wellbeing support for health and care workers. It brings together self-help, coaching and mental health expertise and volunteers into a space that is supervised, built on evidence, evaluated and adapted to meet the need of those who use the service but also our volunteers.

Our Promise…

We challenge the core...

We ask the tough questions to ensure we are solving for the real, core challenge. No band-aid solutions. Our focus is change that sticks.

Build on what’s working...

We focus on the good and build on what’s already working. We have a keen eye for spotting strengths and are masters at getting the best out of people.

Fit for purpose…

We understand and value that each person and organisation is unique. Your magic lies in your uniqueness. Our programmes, therefore, are designed to align with your specific situation to make sure we hit the mark. Every time.